Foundations Fund

Our Foundations fund is where we raise money to support the many arms of Links. As we support workers and projects in 44 countries, we have administrative and legal costs that allow our reach to be so significant. Core costs are always the hardest to raise money for as most people enjoy giving directly to people or projects. While we love facilitating this for so many people, in order to expand the GOOD NEWS of Jesus to even more places, our foundational costs are always a significant need.

You can give without loving. But you cannot love without giving.
— Amy Carmichael, Missionary to India

We are grateful for those who donate to our Foundations fund to help us keep the work of Links moving forward.

To Give a one-time donation or set up a recurring monthly donation

To mail a check:
Links International
503 FM 359, Suite 130-116
Richmond, TX 77406
Memo: Foundations