Sid & Wendy Harper | Missionary Care Coordinators
“We are overjoyed to be missionaries to missionaries. Our heart is to mobilize people into their ministry calling by helping them discover their niche in God’s missional plan to reach the world. Our passion is to empower missionaries to mitigate and reduce compassion fatigue and burnout. Deep relationships with identified families will yield a greater impact in their community and produce a greater impact for the Kingdom. ”
Want to donate a coaching session, a debrief, or for our upcoming retreats?
Consistent contact via Zoom, in person workshops and debriefing during home assignments will transform relationships within families, teams, and communities, and allow holistic and sustainable mission activity.
If you are in a crisis, please contact our office immediately.
If you or someone from your team needs specific care, prayer, or counseling, and would like to connect with our Missionary Care Team, please fill out the form below.
To give a one-time donation to the Harpers & Grafted Together or set up a recurring monthly donation:
To mail a check:
Links International
503 FM 359, Suite 130-116
Richmond, TX 77406
Memo: Grafted Together/Harper Family