Relief Work

Our Links Family is always positioned to provide immediate emergency relief to disasters that arise all around the world.

Our current relief changes as new emergencies come to light. In the past we have provided relief work for:

  • The War in Ukraine positioned us to be on some of the frontlines of the work, working with churches in central Ukraine, Hungary, and Slovakia, and also a University in Moldova to send rescue teams and transportation, and to provide basic needs and essentials.

  • Covid-19 Pandemic which was a worldwide response to help send food, supplies, PPE, medical equipment to the paces where it was most needed.

  • Natural Disasters such as floods, hurricanes, cyclones, monsoons, and more, in places such as Asia, central Africa and Central America, and most recently the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

  • Bombings such as the one in Beirut, Lebanon, in 2020. Our partners were immediately on the ground distributing food, supplies, and helping repair damage int he city from day one.

  • Famine, Hunger, Disease, and Exposure emergencies also arise in the countries we work in since there is still a lack of clean water, healthcare education, warm blankets or clothes, and living in some of the poorest conditions imaginable.

  • Refugee relief work is ongoing in such places as Malawi, Southern Asia, and also the Middle East. We have some amazing partners giving up their lives to help these refugees find a place they call home.

Your generosity will provide GOOD NEWS to people in desperate need during the most desperate times.

“We will never stop fighting to see justice in our world. Will you fight with us? Let’s be world changers together!”

“I've never seen such unity of purpose and resolve. They are feeding, sheltering, and loving on those that have suffered immense loss and trauma. God is truly building something beautiful from the rubble - a true story of ‘beauty from ashes.’”

- Mark & Michelle Moore, Hope4Nations, Worldwide

“In the midst of destruction, we witnessed the Turkish churches and various ministries serving the community and sharing Christ's love. They are building tent cities, operating food kitchens, running distribution centers for food, clothing, and medical supplies, and simply being a presence for those that need prayer and support.”

- Matt Bennett, SpiritLife Ministries, Turkey

To give by check, please make payable to Links International

Links International
503 FM 359 #130-116
Richmond, TX 77406
Memo: Relief