Our Loss - Heaven's Gain


Sadly, one of our longest standing partners and friend, Herbert Kanyenya with Wellspring, passed away this week. 5 years ago he was given 1 year to live after a cancer diagnosis. While we are heartbroken by his passing, we are grateful to have had extra time with him.

We are also proud of all of the great work he, his wife Eve and the amazing team at Wellspring have accomplished. Lives in Uganda and surrounding countries have been forever changed and his legacy will live on in the continued work of Wellspring. We are honored to have called him our friend and part of our Links Family!

Please pray with us for the Kanyenya-Wanjala family and all of the people they serve at Wellspring. This will be a time of deep sadness and loss, but also an important time of transition for their organization.

While we grieve, we do not grieve as those without hope. Herbert's joy and passion will continue as his legacy will live on spreading the Good News to Uganda and beyond.

If you would like to make a legacy donation in Herbert’s honor, you may do that here:


Links Impact 2020


Merry Christmas from Links!