Pray for and Support this Incredible Work in Ukraine

As we all watch in horror at the atrocities happening in Ukraine, it is important to remember that our help and prayers matter greatly. We continue to stand with partners on the front lines, and your generous donations are making a difference. A donation does not have to be large to have a big impact. Everything helps, and I would like to ask you to please continue supporting this opportunity.

Our work in Ukraine is focused in three places.

  • The center of Ukraine in Svitlovodsk. Positioned on the highway out of Kharkiv, Pastor Ben is hosting church services, sending rescue transportation to get people out of harm’s way, providing basic needs and essentials, ministering to the needs of the people and is seeing incredible Kingdom fruit from his service.

  • A partner in Moldova has turned their University into evacuee housing. In addition to housing and providing emergency essentials for the 150 displaced people they have room for, they are supporting another 100 displaced Ukrainians in their community. They are being encouraged in the faith, prayed with, and supported as they figure out where to go next.

  • G11 Church in Hungary founded by our VP of Mobilization, Terry Cokenour and his family. During their 8 years in Hungary, they regularly served vulnerable Ukrainians, and now they are serving Ukrainians that have come to Hungary. They are helping with essentials, facilitating worship services in Ukrainian, and much more.

We only work with partners we are able to provide first-hand reporting from. Your donation will be in the hands of partners on the ground in a matter of days if not hours. Your generosity will be a blessing to someone on the run from the terror of war. Together we can give them GOOD NEWS in a terrible time.

It costs roughly $10 per day per person to provide the support and care they need. Please consider giving what you can.


“Prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.” - Ephesians 6:18 (MSG)

Here are some things we are praying during this time:

  • Pray for the workers who are relentlessly serving to their own detriment. Pray for the seeds of the Kingdom to grow deep during this time. Pray that financial resources would not run out. Pray that supplies on the ground would continue to be available.

  • Pray Exodus 14 over Ukraine and ask the Lord to fight for them.

  • Pray for courage and wisdom for government leaders.

  • Pray for the Lord to be present with the people of Ukraine and for the Church there to be able to step in and care for those who need it most.

  • Pray for a swift end to this war, for justice to be done, and peace to rule over Ukraine again.

  • Pray for the discernment of the Russian people as they suffer from misinformation from their government, and pray for the Church in Russia to stay strong.

  • Lift up your worship as a weapon against the enemy. (Our weapon is a melody!)


Bullet Holes & the Bible is for Imbeciles


How to Help & Pray for Ukraine