24 in 24: Ways 16 & 15
Thanks so much for following along with our 24 WAYS LINKS is giving GOOD NEWS across the world as we are trusting God to raise $24,000 for 2024 by the end of the year. For the next several weeks, we'll highlight regions where we work.
If you missed #'s 17-24, click here to catch up.
#16 - The United States
Though our sweet spot is mobilizing for the nations, we also work at home in the USA! Our team in the US is at work serving in many different ways. We regularly meet with pastors, business leaders, and leaders from other mission organizations to maintain and expand the strength of our network. These relationships are the lifeblood of Links!
We have Terry Cokenour helping mobilize workers through coaching, care, and strategy. We have Rick Eubanks recruiting and training Youth Leaders for the next generation. We have Sid and Wendy Harper providing missionary care through Grafted Together, and we have Holly, Annalee, and myself providing oversight to our office and mission work.
As an added bonus...our home city of Houston is the most ethnically diverse city in the United States. So even when we're at home, the nations are close by, and we are never at a lack for significant conversations that eventually end up in partnerships of one kind or another.
We love the nations, but we are hard at work catalyzing Kingdom activity in the US every day!
#15 - Western Europe
One of our greatest joys is giving back to the part of the world that gave us Links to begin with. Our founder, Norman Barnes, is still at work mentoring, teaching, and training in the UK, as well as, serving faithfully in his local church. Andy Read, a Links USA board member and former UK CEO, and his wife Lina continue to be involved in various Links projects from the UK and remain committed to ministry in their local church.
Because of our relationships with so many people throughout the UK, we are regularly involved in connecting people for strategic mission partnerships and ministry. Just this week, some friends from the US connected with friends and partners in the UK to talk about working together on Muslim outreach mission opportunities across England.
The UK has a special place in our hearts, and we love being involved in spreading the Good News of Jesus there.
In John 20, Jesus told his disciples that He was sending them into the world as He was sent into the world. I believe that calling wasn't just for the disciples of that day, but it is a call for all of us. We are called to GO. Wherever we GO, even where we live is an opportunity to live on mission with God at home and around the world.