Coming and Going from the US

April has been a significant and busy time here in the US office. We have been privileged to host Sam Hills from the UK on his way to South and Central America for 6 months, our long-time friend, Israel Paulose, who is doing amazing work in Rameshwaram India, and Janaki Menni, who is also doing incredible work in India, and is making her first trip to the US. It is amazing how our network always comes together to meet new people, encourage their work, and engage in various types of support.

SAM'S WORK in Latin America

  • Sam is overseeing an orchard project in Peru, which is not only providing supplemental food and income for children, but it has become an incentive for education to a group of people who have not yet understood the importance of education for escaping poverty.

  • Sam will also spend time with several of our partners throughout Latin America. He will serve alongside them, gain meaningful insight from the success of other projects, further develop our strategic network, and he will meet up with our team headed to Nicaragua in July. 

  • Please pray for Sam as he travels for an extended time away from home. Pray for safety, provision, and fruitfulness of his commitment to follow the call of God to Latin America. 


  • Israel Paulose leads the incredible work at Body of Christ International in Rameshwaram, India. Israel’s father is a long time friend of our founder, Norman Barnes, and we are so honored by how this legacy partnership continues to move into future generations.

  • Their team equips believers through an incredible Bible College, is constantly serving unreached people, caring for the most vulnerable, rescuing children from potential sacrifice, serving mental illness, providing clean water, and so much more more than we could ever explain in one article. 

  • They have also planted 185 churches and trained more than 5,000 Missionaries and sent them all over the nation. Please be in prayer for them as they continue serving these communities, training up leaders, and planting even more churches in India. 


  • Janaki leads Faith in Action Ministries (FIAM) which supports orphans and street kids, elderly who are needing care, has an outreach to leprosy community groups, and an ever-growing network of churches and church leaders for the past 20 years. They have planted many churches across India and their goal is to plant 100 more by 2027.

  • FIAM’s 3 Self-Sustainable Projects are: (1) Education: Their school has incredible academic results, a great local reputation, and provides a quality, English education. (2) Small Businesses: FIAM helps families as large as 6 start small businesses. With this investment and project more than 100,000 people will earn better and more livable wages. (3) Goat Project: Income from raising and caring for goats will help feed the elderly, the leper community, and the orphans and kids they work with every day.

  • FIAM also provides vocational training centers for rural and tribal young girls and women, clean drinking water projects, much needed relief work, and free medical camps in interior tribal villages.

Isn’t it incredible to think of the thousands of lives who will be touched and changed by the faithfulness of our friends and partners? God is using Links to mobilize GOOD NEWS in powerful ways all over the world every single day. We are truly better together, and hope continues to build as we see people in poverty rise to a new destiny.

If you would like to connect with these folks or support their ministry directly, please contact our office. Thank you for being on this journey with us! 


Click to read more or give to our partners recovering from the cyclone in Malawi, rebuilding in Turkey/Syria, support one of our upcoming Links trips, or help provide education through our partners in Pakistan. You can also follow us on social media for the latest updates and information.

Thank you for helping us take Good News to the nations. We are good together!


Sending Us to Central America


Hearing the Cry of the Poor