Thanks for making 2019 awesome!

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I hope you had a great Christmas week! It's been so encouraging to see posts from our Links Family from all over the world celebrating the coming of our King in so many ways. I love how we are able to both look back to God sending His Son to be our Emmanuel while also looking ahead with anticipation to His triumphant return. This living between the two comings is a good practical example for our lives and ministries. 

I've recently found myself stuck on the old hymn "Come Thou Fount." I love the line "Here I raise my EBENEZER." That's not a word that we use very much today, but I think we should bring it back. The EBENEZER was a "stone of help" Samuel (1 Samuel 7:12) set up to remind the people of God's faithfulness. When they would pass by, they would remember that God helped them do what they could not have done on their own. I love this thinking as he head into 2020 for Links.

Over the years we've been able to build an incredible network of relationships around the world. Those relationships have turned into partnerships that have provided opportunities for tangible expressions of GOOD NEWS to reach the least, the last and the lost. We have seen people rescued from poverty. We have seen leaders empowered. We have seen lives saved through clean water and healthcare education. We have seen missionaries sent to the ends of the earth. Every one of these things (and so much more) are our EBENEZERS - reminders of God's provision. Every person, every story, every project is a reminder of our "stone of help." God continues to go beyond what we can do on our own. 

Looking at all that God has done to this point makes me excited for what God is yet to do. I believe 2020 is going to be a banner year for LInks (you can learn more about our vision here), and I look forward with great anticipation to this time next year when we have a whole new batch of EBENEZERS that show His faithfulness to us from 2020. Today is a good day for all of us to look back, not only to 2019 but even further, to see the great things God has done for us. Let's also remember that He'll do it again and again as we continue to trust Him with our future. He has come, and He will come again!

Thank you for all of your contributions that have made these stones of hope possible. Thank you for your prayers, your time, your donations, and your support. Let me know if you would like more information about what's coming or if you are interested in going on a trip. You are all in my prayers, and I'm truly grateful for you. HAPPY NEW YEAR, Links Family!

For the Kingdom,
Jason Bollinger
Links International - USA Office

All of this was only possible because of your faithful investment throughout the year and we, along with our partners around the world, are forever grateful!

Would you help us finish the year strong and consider making an end-of-year donation to Links so that we can step into 2020 ready to continue confront poverty and create potential?

Help us finish 2019 strong!

To donate by check, please send your gift to:

Links International
503 FM 359 #130-116
Richmond, TX 77406

The work of Links International is made possible by the generosity of our partners. Donations to Links are tax deductible as we are a registered 501c3 organization. We appreciate your consideration of investing into bringing Good News to the poor around the world. 


Keepin' it Movin' (for missions)


Celebrating 2019!!