Keepin' it Movin' (for missions)


Dear Links Family,

This last week our family has been deep in the trenches of the joy and pain of moving. All of the new things are exciting, but in many ways, it would've been easier if we didn't move forward. As we navigate the many challenges, we are working to make the most of all of the opportunities. 

The same is true of missions. It is always easier to keep doing the things that we've been doing, but we always need to look ahead to the billions who still need the GOOD NEWS of Jesus. As we move ahead in our desire for 2020 to be a year of DOUBLE DOUBLE, we want to make the most of NEW opportunities while consistently growing in our existing projects. 

Your prayers, financial partnership, and participation are what make the multiplication of mission through Links possible. Many of you are already supporting our #LinksFamily missionaries around the world, while others of you are engaged with our poverty confronting projects and leadership development trips. Moving forward would not be possible with you!

I would like to ask you to join with us in praying that God would continue to open the doors for NEW missional movement, give us discernment and wisdom as we navigate which opportunities are a good fit for us, and that He would provide richly for these opportunities. 

Thank you for being a valued part of the #LinksFamily. I'm grateful for each one of you. Please let me know if you have any questions about any of our projects, if you would like to sponsor a specific project, if you would like to go on a future trip, or if we can serve you, your family, your church, or your business in any way as you look to multiply mission in your context. 

Together, we're KEEPIN' IT MOVIN'!

Jason Bollinger
Links Int’l - USA Office


Salvadorian Successes


Thanks for making 2019 awesome!