Salvadorian Successes

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Our adventures in El Salvador began serving one of our local church partners by overseeing their trips. They were serving with one key mission partner, but over the years the scope has increased. As we continued with trips, we learned of other connections in the country that could produce missional fruit. As we have LINKED together with these wonderful people, the opportunities truly began to multiply. 

Fast forward to 2020. We are still facilitating trips and mission work for our church friends, but we have now been invited to bring some of our POVERTY CONFRONTING initiatives to new partners. We are primarily focusing on leadership development and empowerment. We trained over 150 leaders on our first trip this year. We engaged with leaders from about 12 local churches, a local school, a hospital, and a Christian Book distribution organization. It was an honor to see the training we provide make such an impact on people who are serving the poor with such diligence. 

We will be returning in March to help with a retreat for a team leading a wonderful mission organization. All of these leaders on the frontlines are faced with unique challenges. Our training empowers them to make the most of their opportunities which results in more and more people being set free from poverty and being ministered to in Jesus’ name. I am truly grateful how trips serving our friends have led to the opportunity to invest in more and more leaders and organizations. 

A key ingredient to our success in El Salvador is our friends David and Rebecca Cuchillas. We have developed a strong partnership with them over the years. They coordinate a lot of our logistics, provide on-the-ground expertise, they jump in and serve with us, and they live God-honoring lives. Earlier this month, it was a joy to have them with us in Texas. We interrupted their “Baby-moon” with leading worship together, a little bit of strategic planning for the future, but most of all, celebrating how good God is for bringing us together and allowing us to make a difference.

If you would like to be a part of what God has opened up for us in El Salvador, we would love to take you on a trip or talk more about how a financial investment could be utilized for the Kingdom.

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Keepin' it Movin' (for missions)