You Can't Cancel Church

Dear Links Family,

As the days go by, the realities we are being forced to live with become more and more unbelievable. It feels like we're in the middle of a movie that we probably wouldn't watch a second time. I wanted to send out a few thoughts during this challenging time. 


The CHURCH of Jesus can't be canceled. It was never about the buildings, and even our Sunday meetings are not the biggest point. Our measure of success is not limited to Sunday numbers. This is important to remember as the CDC has now encouraged no gatherings of more than 50 people for 8 weeks. Now Easter Sunday is affected by this virus, and the biggest Sunday of the year for churches around the world will now have to be re-thought.

Even so, The CHURCH is the people. The CHURCH is a movement of Kingdom activity commissioned to take GOOD NEWS to the ends of the earth, and right now our world needs some GOOD NEWS. We have to get creative. We have to lead with compassion and mercy. We have to model what Psalm 46:1-2 and other passages teach us - despite what's in front of us, we don't have to be afraid. We continue to choose faith over fear. God is our refuge and strength. 

From that faith, the heart of missions is clear - run to the pain. Our founder, Norman, is known for saying, "You can't go to something you are!" The CHURCH is you! Shutting down gatherings, quarantines and social distancing can't stop the CHURCH from being the CHURCH. Comfort the hurting, provide for the needy, care for the sick, be generous with what you have. God is our source and our help. Follow His lead, and this could be the most fruitful time of your personal ministry.

Your local CHURCH family needs you! Pastors are facing unprecedented circumstances, and they are doing the best they can to navigate these waters. Let's remember to give our church leaders (and other church leaders) the benefit of the doubt and a lot of grace. Small churches are going to face severe financial challenges with 8 weeks of not meeting. Large churches will feel the pinch of a disrupted economy. Going forward there might be tension between government compliance and biblical obedience. Nobody is feeling the weight of this more than your church leaders who love you and are doing everything in their power to keep the people together and not lose momentum. If you find yourself with some extra time, ask if there's anything you can do. If you find yourself in a position to invest a higher level of generosity, now's a good time. It may not seem like a good time, but that probably means it's the best time!

Pastors and leaders, we are with you and are praying for you during this time. Let us know if there's anything we can do for you.

The global CHURCH needs you! This virus has obviously altered our course for the next several months. Two of our trips are going to have to be canceled and more are being threatened. The partners we work with around the world are faced with many of the same challenges we are but without healthcare as good as ours. Our missionaries are still doing what they do every day - being the hands and feet of Jesus in sensitive places at a sensitive time. This is a global crisis, and as we are able to continue to support mission work during this time, the needs are significant. 

The challenges during this time provide remarkable opportunities for the CHURCH. If there's any way that we can help you, pray for you, or if you want to talk about how others are responding, we're available. 


Covid-19 Opportunities & Response


Hello from Uganda