Now Delivering to India

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Thank you for your continued generosity to our Covid Relief Fund. We are continuing to serve our partners by providing basic food to people in dire need. 

Our partner, Israel Paulose, in Southern India, can stuff food provisions for 50 families in his little car. I asked him how much to fill it up for another round, and he said $1,000. That's only $20 per family! A donation of only $20 provides rice, veggies, cooking oil, and spices to last a family for 2-3 weeks.

Israel's team is also working to clean and disinfect public areas where the poorest of the poor live as they educate people about health and hygiene best practices. They are truly being the hands and feet of Jesus to many forgotten people. 

Would you be willing to help us cram this car full of food for families in India?

If you can only give $5, could you find 3 other folks to go in with you to feed a family?
Can you give $20 for a family,
or maybe you would like to fill the entire car.
If we get multiple $1,000 donations, we can fill multiple cars and keep this provision going for as long as possible. 

Click the button below to donate now.


Let us know if you have any questions or if we can serve you in any way. 


Kingdom Conversations


"Famines of Biblical Proportion"