Talk About Constant Change


Links founder, Norman, has always said, “Constant change is here to stay.” 2020 has proven this more than ever as it has been month after month of constant change.

Even in the constant change of 2020, God continues to be faithful allowing us to deliver GOOD NEWS to the poor in ways we wouldn’t have thought possible. We came into 2020 trusting God for DOUBLE-DOUBLE, and while that’s still a vision we believe He is accomplishing, it looks much different than we anticipated. It was clear early into the pandemic that our work needed to pivot to relief work. At the time, we started with Uganda and India. 100+ days later, we have also provided relief to Nicaragua and El Salvador (who was also struck with a severe Tropical Storm). Hundreds of families have received packages of food and essentials to keep them going. 

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We thought 2020 would allow us to double our trips, our budget, our trainings, and team. Instead, we have doubled the number of countries we provided relief to. We have more than doubled the number of donors giving to the relief work of Links, and we have seen contribution matching double the impact of some of our giving.  

God is in control, and we are trusting him to lead us through the changes 2020 is presenting. I would like to thank you for your support of the USA Office of Links. The COVID-related needs are still incredibly serious, and we would love to keep sending relief India, Africa, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. A small $20 donation feeds one family for a minimum of 2 weeks.

Another change for 2020 is that several fundraising events we were planning to raise money to support our operational expenses have been postponed. As our work has not slowed down, but actually increased, ongoing support to our general fund is needed as much as ever. We work hard to keep our admin expenses to a minimum. Our heart is for as much money as possible to reach the front lines, but it does take infrastructure and our team to help make that happen.

Would you join us in praying that God would continue to provide for the needs of our partners around the world while also providing what we need to support that work? We are grateful for your prayers and generosity to keep the work multiplying and to create potential for as many people as possible.

For the Kingdom,

Jason Bollinger
CEO, President


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