Helping Hospitals fight COVID in El Salvador


As we continue to navigate the disruption of COVID locally, let us not forget that communities around the world are still suffering greatly in many places. Your generosity to our COVID Relief Fund continues to help make a real difference for both those suffering and those serving those who are suffering

We recently heard of a hospital in El Salvador that was running out of PPE due to a spike in COVID cases they were treating. We were able to provide masks, face shields, and level 3 biosafety suits for 50 staff members (who were having to buy equipment out of their own pocket). 

I know that the length of the pandemic has been exhausting for everyone around the world, and I know that we are all facing battles of our own - especially now that back to school decisions are upon us. However, we are hearing of serious needs around the world every day that our Links Family and partners are facing. The donations we receive are being converted into GOOD NEWS on the ground for people who need it the most. We would appreciate any donation you can make. 

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