Locked in During Lockdown


Can you believe it's now been more than 6 months since COVID-19 disrupted life as we know it all over the world? While signs of 'normal' seem to be showing themselves, it is clear we still have a LONG way to go. 

As we have been in touch with our friends and partners all over the world, we have also been in touch with Links founder, Norman Barnes. As we were talking about navigating through this season he shared a story that I asked him to share with us here. 

Historically, political turmoil tends to be an opportunity for the Kingdom to gain ground. As politics polarize our nation, and as enemies are seemingly being formed over differences in popular opinion, may we remember that God continues to be on His throne building His Kingdom. He hasn't stopped, and COVID-19 has not threatened anything that He wants to do.

As we move forward, let's remember that Satan is our one enemy, and God has already limited his power and influence by defeating him on the cross. Let's also remember that waiting is never wasted. The waiting is where we are gaining strength. And, do you know what we'll need coming out of this pandemic? Strength. A lot of it.

As we are worshipping in churches all around the world... "even when I don't see it You're working," I believe during this time, He is working in you and in me to prepare us for what's coming next.

Don't lose heart. Don't be discouraged. Don't get too wrapped up in narratives that distract us from the fact that the light has come into the world. He is still here. He is the best news ever. He is literally enough, and our hope and strength lie in Him. 

“As they sang, as they worshipped, they made a sound that attracted the presence of God.”

- Norman Barnes, Links Founder


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