Beirut is Rising


Dear Links Family,

It has been a little over a month since the tragic explosion in Beirut. The heart of Links is always to be able to respond missionally anywhere at a moment's notice. Our 35 years of serving and developing strategic partnerships all around the world allows us to mobilize resources to the front lines of situations like the Beirut explosion. 

I would love for you to take a few minutes and watch this update from Lebanon. Your generosity to the Lebanon Relief fund was a part of making this work happen. The testimonies from those who experienced great loss are very powerful. We are so grateful to have partners like Triumphant Mercy to work with.

As you can imagine, though the media has moved on, the needs are still severe. If you would like to invest in rebuilding lives affected by the explosion, you can make a financial donation using the button below.

Thank you to everyone who has already given and for those of you who continue to support the work of Links to help us to be able to respond to crisis situations around the world. We continually work to be GOOD NEWS and to spread the love of Jesus to a world in need.  


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