Winter Kits for Refugees


The coverage of the Afghan Refugee crisis has quieted down, but the needs have not. We are continuing to engage both locally and internationally to serve those escaping the horrors of the fall of Afghanistan’s government. 

Our IMMEDIATE FOCUS is on providing Winter Care Kits for dozens of families who crossed the border into a neighboring country. These people have come with nothing and only have what is being provided by our Links Partner there. So far, we have helped with housing, food, beds, bedding, clothes, and medical care (including the emergency c-section delivery of a slightly premature baby- that is now perfectly healthy and home with Mom).


As the Winter months settle in, these precious people are in need of blankets, coats, gloves, hats, socks, and other necessities.

$30 donation provides all of this and more for one refugee. Since our first contact with these families, the number has grown from a few families to a dozen families that will quickly be a few dozen.

The provisions we are giving are allowing them to hear about the GOOD NEWS of Jesus for the first time, and they will be cared for and supported for the long-term. This is an incredible opportunity to serve the least of these. 


Would you stand with us as we stand with them. Please pray for our partners who are risking their lives by providing this care. Please pray for the families. Please pray for Afghanistan. There is beauty in the ashes, but there are an awful lot of ashes. 

Thank you for your continued investment into the work of Links. Your impact is significant. 

To donate a Winter Kit, please give here:


Winter Kit Update!


Water Around the World: El Salvador