Water Around the World: El Salvador


El Salvador
During a recent training in the impoverished community of Oasis, our partners at Harvesting in Spanish were able to facilitate healthcare training, water filter assembly and water filter handouts, both there and at Shalom Children's Home.

Because of the amazing generosity of our Links Family, we were able to send home water filters to about 26 households. This will provide clean water for a little over 100 people for at least 2 years. What an amazing gift!

"Access to drinking water makes a huge difference in the health of a family. It's a basic need but many families don't have access to it. To receive a water filter turns into a message of hope, it's a gift that says to each family, 'We know your needs and we are for you.' Thank you so much for giving clean water and hope!"
- Tatiana, Harvesting in Spanish

Clean water is an everyday necessity we believe everyone has the right to have and we are continuing these training days and water filter handouts as much as we are able so that even more families we serve have access to healthy and safe water.

The generosity of our Links Family is what makes this possible. You are bringing GOOD NEWS to the end of the earth with your support. Let us know if you would like to be a part of delivering clean water to El Salvador.

To give to more clean water projects, please give here:


Winter Kits for Refugees


In Loving Memory...