Ready to Put U in Uganda


We’ve talked a lot in the last year about how COVID-19 restrictions are creating situations of incredible need in the developing world. After a year, things are still severely challenging. We are grateful for our partners who continue to serve their community with survival essentials, spiritual support and much more. Your generosity to our COVID-19 Relief fund allows vulnerable people to make it through this difficult time. Above is a picture from our long-term partners at Wellspring in Uganda distributing masks and soap.

In a call today, we started talking about the possibilities of returning to Africa in person later this year. It is exciting to start to plan for missional engagement in a way that hasn’t been possible during the pandemic. As we move forward, we will be working tirelessly to help people sustainably and holistically recover from the losses of this season. We can be GOOD NEWS right now and in the future.

I would like to invite you to put a little bit of U in Uganda.

U can PRAY -
Please pray for Wellspring and the Harper Family who are fully invested in Uganda bringing GOOD NEWS to those in need every day.

U can GIVE -
Please consider donating to our COVID-19 Relief efforts during this difficult season. A donation of any amount goes a long way! You can donate to the cause here.

U can GO -
As we are making plans to return to Uganda in person, let us know if you would like to be a part of an upcoming team.

Thank you for helping us confront poverty and create potential. Please contact us for more information or to respond in any way.

For the Kingdom,
Jason Bollinger


Helping Girls - We Can!


Deep in the (COLD) heart of Texas!