Women's Dignity in Pakistan

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We are honored to share this update from our partners in Pakistan about a project we were recently able to fund to support abused and vulnerable women and girls.

“Girls and ladies living a life of slavery very often become victims of sexual abuse. The girls are regularly assaulted and exploited by gentlemen to the point of violence.

We recently provided a dignity project reaching out to
81 girls and women with sanitary items and by sharing the gospel in remote villages. The girls we are reaching through this project can’t afford the purchase of sanitary items. Our leaders had a great time teaching girls and women how to use these items. We also gave them underwear, perfume, soap, detergent, some cosmetics and also taught them how to protect themselves when they encounter abusers. This is to give practical help to ladies on how they can do their best to escape this violence. In addition, we provided practical advice and tools to help women with feminine hygiene and provide them with the right knowledge and useful tools when possible. This not only increases comfort but saves lives due to the huge number of infections.

Your generous contribution was used in helping these girls and women. Without your support, we would not have been able to reach many of them. So,
thank you so for standing along in making a difference. This project is helping us to reach such women who are suffering because of their circumstances.”

Our heart is to keep providing the hygienic items and keep reaching the girls through this project. We appreciate your prayer for Lord’s provision as we are hoping to do it after every 3 months. $10 can support a women/girl for 3 months."

If you would like to help fund this incredible GOOD NEWS project, please click the button below or feel free to contact us for more information. Thank you in advance for your support!


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