Tribute to Mike Godward


"A true general in the faith has gone to glory."

We are sorry to announce that after a period of illness, on June 3rd, Mike Godward passed away. Mike was historically a member of the extended Links International team, alongside his wife Beryl. At a time when many would have been thinking towards retirement, and after a lengthy and highly successful role in church leadership - both local and national - Mike and Beryl turned their eyes towards the overseas mission field. Many mission trips to Africa were taken and I have had the privilege of listening to many stories from these exploits. Accounts of being held up by AKG wielding mercenaries who had a contract to kill, taken out by a local pastor jealous of outreach success, and witnessing what could only have been an angel killing a deadly snake with a spear, stand out in the memory!

Together Mike and Beryl founded Wellspring in Uganda, which became and remains a key partnership for Links. There they established a church, a school and a health center – transforming a whole community and area. Projects such as Micro-Enterprise found early success there. Mike and Beryl chose to partner strongly with Links. Local people were mentored and trained in leadership, with an aim always to pass Wellspring on to indigenous leaders. In time, Herbert and Eve took up the reins and remained firm friends – though sadly Herbert also passed away this year.

When Mike and Beryl felt the time had come to leave Uganda, former Links CEO Rich Hubbard asked them if they would establish a Links office and identity in South Africa, in their new home in Cape Town. It was in this context that I really got to know Mike closely when, in my then-new role as Links CEO, we met to thrash out the detail of the shape of Links South Africa. Despite the disparity in our mission experience, I found Mike to be a man of humility and grace, listening to me way beyond what was actually reasonable! Mutual respect transformed into friendship, and in my role, I drew upon his maturity and expertise on more than one occasion.

I will never forget a trip we took together, just the two of us, to assess our work in Malawi and Zambia. And of course, I will never forget ministering together at many Wellspring Leadership Conferences, with the long evenings sat talking. A true general in the faith has gone to glory.

- Andy Read, Former UK CEO; Trustee for Links USA

“His legacy will continue...” 

Mike was a true Statesman of the Gospel. Always full of the deep joy that comes from a life lived well in the presence of God, Mike constantly contended to advance God’s Kingdom through his attitude and activity, which were both expansive and impactful on all those he met.

It has been such a privilege to be able to journey with Mike and Beryl as they have allowed us to pilot so many of the projects and activities, that have now become staples of Links International, through the amazing organisation Wellspring, that they initiated in Uganda. I feel deeply privileged to have been able to journey with this Father in the faith and to call him my friend.
Though Mike will be greatly missed, we know that his legacy will continue to impact lives and transform communities for generations to come.
"And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away." (1 Peter 5:4)
- Joe Gisbey, CEO, Links International UK Office

“Now the prize awaits...” 

It has been our privilege and joy to have known both Mike and Beryl for over forty years. We worked together on various projects in the UK but our relationship was really strengthened when we had the joy of visiting them and the work of Wellspring Uganda over twenty years ago. It was at Wellspring that many of the projects that Links has developed over the years had their beginnings, born out of the many conversations that we had when with them there in Uganda.

Mike was not a theorist but a passionate practitioner which began in the UK but, after a number of visits to East Africa, he was challenged by the Lord to build a model in Africa with his dear wife Beryl, and Wellspring was born. Mike was passionate about living and proclaiming the Kingdom of God and we spent many hours, often late into the night, debating and challenging each other as to what that really meant.

When it came to trusting God for finance Mike was scary! He often reached out to what seemed impossible and would declare “It’s only money.” Mike knew how to laugh and cry, work hard and how to relax. He was a joy to be with! He had a huge heart, valued friendship, and his hug was something else. We are honoured to have called him our friend from whom we have learnt so much.

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me – the crown of righteousness that the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that great day of His return” - 2 Timothy 4:7-8

- Norman and Grace Barnes, Founders of Links International

“Well done good and faithful servant!” 

Mike and Beryl have had such an incredible impact on my life. I’ve told their testimony around the world as I believe they are incredible examples of a Kingdom first life. As a rookie mission traveler, Mike both welcomed me with open arms, challenged me in my immaturity, and encouraged me in my ministry. Over the years he became a friend and mentor. 

Mike’s laugh and love for life will be forever recorded into my mind. Mike’s humility and honesty will always call me up to walk similarly. Mike’s commitment to learning and growing in all stages of life will always inspire me. Mike’s example as a pastor, missionary, husband, father and grandfather is something that helps me every day. Mike’s stories continually reminded me of the goodness and enormity of God. Mike was the real deal.
I’m forever grateful to have been able to spend time with Mike and Beryl over the years. It was always refreshing to see people walking faithfully through life’s ups and downs. Though this season did not turn out like I had hoped and prayed for, I know that Mike’s legacy will be something that the future of Links will be built on. 

When I think of him now, I keep thinking, “Well done good and faithful servant!” 

- Jason Bollinger, CEO, Links International USA Office

'To Be In Your Presence'. ©️ 1991, Thankyou Music.
Music used by permission. Special thanks to: Noel & Tricia Richards


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