Summer Healthcare Appeal

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“We didn’t know what to do because I could only afford a bar of soap four times a year and whenever I have soap, it is only meant for my washing of clothes, I don’t even use it to bath my body. With this gift of six bars of soap, I will be able to wash our hands frequently and stay safe from COVID. God is good and loves everyone even me.” - Mia Chikosi

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Will you donate today to enable Links to provide vital healthcare training and resources to those people most in need?

Together, we can inject hope

The past year has helped us to appreciate the value of basic healthcare like never before. We are incredibly grateful that my family and I have access to a healthcare system and basic healthcare essentials that have kept us healthy throughout the past 16 months.

Sadly, the majority of communities in the countries we work in have not had access to basic healthcare throughout the most challenging pandemic of our generation, with many struggling to cope with the increased healthcare issues that COVID-19 has presented on top of already challenging circumstances.

We passionately believe that access to healthcare should be a basic right for everyone and not be based on where you are from.

Providing healthcare in impoverished communities around the world is not just a pandemic response for Links International. Whilst your generosity has allowed us to increase healthcare activity throughout the pandemic, we are far from finished, with partners requesting more equipment, training and support than ever.

Our training is open to the whole community, but tailored towards training a core team of committed community influencers to become voluntary healthcare workers. Links helps these teams discover how they can bring positive change to the key issues their community is facing. Where appropriate, we enhance the training of existing healthcare professionals.

Links’ healthcare training is sustainable. Over a period of five training trips, usually carried out over the course of two years, communities are not only healthier but also able to independently develop their own healthcare strategies and to spread the word to others.

Can you help the healthcare work of Links International with your support this summer as we aim to raise funds to improve healthcare and inject hope for those most in need?


Please take a few minutes to listen to our CEO, Jason Bollinger, share a few thoughts with us about the importance of healthcare, especially after a year spent battling a pandemic.


Be Blessed Sermon Series


Tribute to Mike Godward