#GivingTuesday 2022


TOMORROW IS #GIVINGTUESDAY and people all over the world will be participating by generously donating to non-profit organizations, charities, and churches! We are just one of many who are doing Kingdom work that is incredibly significant.

If you would like to participate in #GivingTuesday, we would love for you to consider Links.

We are committed to connecting people, confronting poverty, and creating potential through solutions that take the GOOD NEWS where it's needed most. This is achieved through clean water, community healthcare, micro-enterprise, education, leadership training, missionary mobilization, strategic partnerships, and more.

Every dollar donated fights injustice, serves the poor, and changes the world!

Here are just a few Links' solutions you can give toward:

Water filters not only change lives, they save lives. This past week we gave out 40 water filters in a community in El Salvador and now around 200 people will have clean water for up to 2 years. We currently give out water filters in 5 continents. That's good news!

$75 per filter

Leader and Pastor trainings are non-existent in 2nd and 3rd world countries. We are privileged to take our leadership training model that we use and give it to all of our Links Partner Leaders. With your help, many more will be trained next year!

$100 per leader

We receive many requests throughout the year for assistance during hurricanes, landslides, floods, disease breakouts, and more. We are always ready and willing to help but funds are necessary to get the supplies where they are needed most. We would love to be able to send what we can. Any amount greatly helps!

$50+ per emergency

In the developing world, a loan of $150-$250 could be the catalyst for changing someone's entire future or trajectory for their life. We have given out loans for many small businesses including funds for seamstress shops, tools for construction work, ovens for baking, and lots more. We would love to give out even more next year!

$150+ per loan

Most recently with the pandemic, missionaries have begun coming home, making new plans, or taking much needed sabbaticals. We would love to continue to help with their post-return counseling, coaching, and care as we are able. This will be a significant blessing to a Links missionary family!

$100+ per family

Our #LinksFamily works very hard to keep all of the work of Links going, but it takes much needed funds to help continue connecting people, confronting poverty, and creating potential all over the world. This would cover salaries, the cost of travel, missionary care, etc. Can you help us keep going in 2023?

$100+ per person

Feel free to leave a comment on our giving page for specific project donations.


El Salvador Trip Report


A Truly Special Opportunity!