A Truly Special Opportunity!


Things continue to come together for our trip NEXT WEEK! Our last update talked about some of the leadership training opportunities we will be doing, but I wanted to share some of the other things we'll be doing.


Our original plan included providing Special Needs assessments, recommendations, and resources for the caregivers of the children in the orphanage we work in.

Our new plan is to do all of that AND work with the mayor of the surrounding community. It turns out that she has a child with special needs and has a heart for helping others with the same challenges. She heard about our team and asked if we would provide a special time of training for her and some of the families. This truly is a SPECIAL opportunity, and we are incredibly honored to provide this GOOD NEWS for the community. 


CLEAN WATER continues to be a desperate need in impoverished communities around El Salvador. On Sunday during our trip, we will be ministering in a local church and then providing water filter kits for the community.  Our Water filter training includes water, sanitation, and healthcare training as well as the GOOD NEWS of the gospel.

We appreciate your prayers over all of the activities of this trip. Please pray for all of our partners, for all of the people we will be sharing GOOD NEWS with, for our team, for financial provision, and for protection.

To those who have already donated, thank you so much! If you haven't given up and would like to, a donation as small as $10 will make a huge difference. Please use the link below to donate.

Thank you for your constant support and encouragement. I appreciate you so much! Let me know if you have any questions or need anything, don't hesitate to reach out. 

For the Kingdom,

Jason Bollinger
Links CEO/President


#GivingTuesday 2022


Help us GO to El Salvador