Help us GO to El Salvador


In two short weeks, we will be taking our first post-Covid trip back to El Salvador. Though we have spent many Zoom calls with leaders and partners there, this will be our first time in person since 2020. 

One emphasis of this trip is to invest in community, church, and mission leaders to help them strategize a way forward for the unique season they are in. In their context, they have been through extreme adversity through the pandemic, and we are going to serve them to maximize their ministry. These leaders are truly serving the least of these in their communities, and it is truly an honor to grow their leadership capacity. We will be conducting several different leadership coaching seminars as well as a Pastor’s Conference and Retreat. 

In our next update, we’ll tell you more about the other work we will be doing to serve special needs children and their caregivers. And on top of that, we’re going to be able to distribute water filters to a community in need. We’re really excited about those things too! 

We have the potential to train up to 100 leaders during our trip. The cost per leader to cover everything for them is $125 per leader. Would you consider sponsoring one of these leaders for one of the best days of their life? Even a donation as small as $10 helps support these precious people.

Can I also ask for you to be praying for the people we will be serving and the team we are taking? We are going to be busy!

Please let me know if you have any questions about any of these things. I’d love to tell you more about it!

For the Kingdom,

Jason Bollinger
Links CEO/President


A Truly Special Opportunity!


Good (to be) Together!