Dear Links Family,

First of all, I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much to everyone who reached out, prayed for me, and has offered assistance to our family in the last several weeks. I had an unexpected hospital stay due to a perforation in my stomach which normally requires emergency surgery and can be very dangerous. By the grace of God, my situation was supernaturally abnormal. I ended up with a less invasive procedure and was told my case was the best-case scenario which most people don't get. For more on my update, I gave a testimony at church last week. You can watch/listen to that here. I'm feeling great now, but I got behind from being out of commission for a couple of weeks, but I'm catching up now. Pardon the delay in our 24 Ways Links Works email and thanks for following along with this journey!

- Jason Bollinger

We are coming into the home stretch of our 24 WAYS LINKS is giving GOOD NEWS across the world as we are trusting God to raise $24,000 for 2024 by the end of the year. Today, I am excited to share with you a little about our work in Central and South America as well as in Eastern Europe. 

If you missed our previous updates, click here to catch up.  

#12 & 11 - South & Central America

Over the last several years, much of our US office's activity has focused on our neighbors to the south. With our Central America director, David Cuchillas, in the middle of the action, we have been able to provide hundreds of clean water solutions, we have trained leaders in 4 different countries both in person and online, we have ministered in dozens of churches, and we have taken teams to El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, and Colombia. Additionally, we've been able to help with countless projects and invest in some wonderful young people who are growing up with the Gospel and are being deployed into society as strong leaders. 

In recent months, our invitations and opportunities are opening up deep into South America and even further north into the Caribbean.

We believe this part of the world will be a big part of our future, and we couldn't be more excited!

#10 & 9 - Kosovo & Eastern Europe
We have amazing missionaries serving in this part of the world. Shpetim & Breanna are reaching out to their Muslim neighbors through Breanna's Baking business, and they have been working in a local coffee shop to introduce people to the Gospel, host Bible studies, and much more. Recently they are providing training for other missionaries, and Shpetim is a part of a group that is writing indigenous worship music in Albanian. 

Meg in Hungary is working with mothers of pre-school aged children where she ministers to them, shares the Gospel and provides support for them in the different stages of Motherhood. Also in Hungary, our Mobilization Director, Terry Cokenour, is actively working with leaders all over the country supporting their churches and ministries and is still helping minister to the needs of Ukrainians near the border. 

Our friends at EEF in Moldova have been working hard in refugee relief, but their main focus is raising up the next generation of mission workers who are being sent out all over the 10/40 window. 

It's amazing to think how much is happening in Central and South America and over in Europe every day. Hundreds of people are being cared for, discipled, encouraged, equipped, and ministered to in so many different ways. It is the love and support of our Links family that makes it possible. 

It is our privilege to take GOOD NEWS to the ends of the earth. Please continue praying for us in our year-end appeal and as finish out 2024.


24 in 24: Ways 8 - 5


24 in 24: Ways 14 & 13