Bendición de Dios

In English, Bendición de Dios means 'Blessing of God' which seems like the perfect place to put a new church. We are truly blessed to be a part of seeing a new church open up for the gospel in El Salvador.

"At the end of February, we were able to witness something amazing. A new church is now beginning in the ‘Blessing of God’ community. Around 25 adults and 20 children met in this humble, but powerful location. We worshipped, prayed, and received a word of God from Pastor Damian. Later we had a piñata party for the children, and we also shared a small meal and a time of communion between each other. To finish it all up, 10 families from this new church were provided water filter kits to have clean water for two years, which is a big blessing for these families." 

- David Cuchillas, El Salvador Country Director

We are praising God today for this new church and this community that we were privileged to support with more water filters back in November.

Thank you Links Family for your generosity to the nations. It's for reasons like this that we keep going and giving! We are good together!

Please pray for Pastor Damian and his team as they help oversee Bendición, and for all who will come to hear the Gospel through their sacrificial service and dedication to their community.


Hearing the Cry of the Poor


Emergency: Cyclone Freddy