How to Help in Haiti


As many of you know Haiti was hit with a 7.2 earthquake last week. This one was even larger than the earthquake in 2010. Right now the death toll is over 1400 and at least 6,000+ are injured and many more are missing.

This is a total and severe devastation to this country, its people, and its economy. The humanitarian needs will once again be of historical proportions for this small nation.

We are currently collecting donations to help with Haiti earthquake relief efforts. We want to provide as many ways as possible to take GOOD NEWS to as many places as possible to allow you to connect with the opportunities closest to your heart. Our Links Family is always positioned to provide immediate emergency relief to disasters and crises all around the world.

Your generosity to this emergency fund will provide for the Haitian people who are in desperate need of help.

Please consider giving what you can to help in Haiti. Thank you!

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Image provided by:


Memo: Haiti

As always, please ask any questions or let us know if you have key contacts in any of these places that we can connect with. Together we are making a difference! Thank you for taking the time to read through all of this. Thank you for your support!


Back to School: Nicaragua


How to Help in Afghanistan