Back to School: Nicaragua
Our friend Farrell first traveled to Nicaragua with a vision to support impoverished kids in their education. He didn’t have a plan – just a calling from God to go and make a difference. Years later, The Hope Project is thriving in several different communities around Nicaragua. Farrell learned that kids couldn’t learn if they were malnourished. He learned that single-mother unemployment was also a huge hindrance to education. Later, he decided to help families move into houses that were safe to live in. Needless to say, The Hope Project has a BIG VISION for the education of children in need.
Every day, 500 children receive tutoring to help them excel in their education. Recently, The Hope Project has added library resources and college scholarship opportunities in partnership with the William Minor Foundation.
"These children have gone from the lowest-performing students to the highest-performing students because of the love and care provided by the Hope Project."
This year we would like to support these efforts by providing school supplies and support for teachers’ salaries to continue this amazing work. $300/month provides a teacher’s salary for the entire school year. School supplies are cheap. A donation of any size will make a sizeable difference in the life of these precious children in Nicaragua.
Will you help us send GOOD NEWS to Nicaragua? Please donate using the button below. Thank you!