Never Thirst Again


Almost 800 million people in our world today still lack access to safe water. đź’¦ WE CAN CHANGE THIS!

The entire month of June we have decided to focus on water filters and projects. Our goal is to distribute 1000 water solutions by the end of 2022. It’s our mission to live out the verse in John 4:14, where Jesus says, “Whoever drinks the water I give them will NEVER THIRST AGAIN,” and that is what we want for our entire #LinksFamily around the world as well.

Having easy access to clean and safe water changes people’s entire lives. Not having to worry about finding water every day allows people to work more, stay healthy, and be able to take better care of their families and the communities they live in.

These water filters we are advocating for all month will go to Nicaragua, El Salvador, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and even into Southern Asia, where we are seeing these water projects literally bring the gospel to places it hasn’t gone before. That is amazing and very, very good news!!

Can you help us by:

1.) Giving - Just one donation of $75 sends a filter, provides training, and gives an entire family or even small village safe water for up to 2 years. This gift literally saves lives!

2.) Praying - Ask God to provide so that these filters get sent quickly, for the people who are training these communities on how to use them, and for the advance of the gospel everywhere they are going.

3.) Sharing - Can you help us share this need? Screenshot or save these images we post this month/video links and share them out to friends and family who you think would want to help. Talk about them at work, church or in your community groups. Let's spread the word! A little bit goes a long way and these filters will be an amazing gift to those receiving them.

You can start helping by donating here:


Education is Good News


An Oasis of Water