Urgent Prayers for Levi


A message from the Harper Family (Uganda)...
As many of you know I (Wendy) have been stateside with Levi after a scare with a benign tumor and infection in his knee. He had a successful surgery in November and has recovered well and for that we are so grateful. A couple of days before Christmas, Levi went for his yearly heart check. The doctor, after consulting with the surgical team in Dallas about Levi's ECHO report, called and said they were concerned about Levi’s ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) because it has increased in size as well as there is a problem with the mitral valve. The team feels like it is too risky to wait to repair these two things and want to repair it asap. Due to all of this happening over Christmas, his surgery had to be pushed back 6 weeks. Levi will now be having open heart surgery on February 9th. It is a straightforward surgery and we are grateful that this was caught now.

Can you join us is praying specifically for these things?
• Negative CV test
• That all pre-op tests provide the information the surgeon needs
• Understanding for what’s going on & no anxiety for Levi
• For my Mama heart as I navigate the next few weeks with Daddy on the other side of the world
• For Levi's surgery tomorrow

Thank you for praying!
- Wendy & Sid Harper | Harpers All In

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” - Isaiah 41:10

If you have a message or a prayer to send to the Harpers, please email us or comment below and we will make sure they see it. Thank you for praying for our #LinksFamily.


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