Celebrating Clean Water in El Salvador!


In December, we were able to partner with local churches and pastors to help provide water filters, water and sanitation training, as well as, preach the word of God for 300 people in 2 new communities outside of San Salvador.

Los Arenales is deep in the slopes of the Sonsonate Volcano about an hour and a half from the city, with no access to basic services. Sometimes they are able to collect enough money as a community to fill a water tank truck, but that rarely happens as this price has recently tripled. Even if they do manage to get this water, it is susceptible to bacteria and disease.

Corinto Hacienda is around 30 minutes away from the city. Members of the community were grateful for the water filters, as their only water supply is from water pipes nearby. They have to walk to collect the water from these faucets and then take it back home. Proper storage and filtration of water is a must, as even this "running" water is not free of bacteria.

These water filters will help both communities immediately have access to safer and cleaner water for their families.

During each community training, we took the time to explain how safe and drinkable water is good for us, how it can improve our health, how to properly use the water filtration systems, and most importantly, we talked about how the 'Living Water' can satisfy their thirst forever.

Please be in prayer for these communities as we continue to assess their needs further and explore new ‘GOOD NEWS’ projects in the future. Also, many thanks to David Cuchillas for his amazing work on these projects.


Urgent Prayers for Levi


Urgent Needs & Prayer