Ukraine Relief Reports



Another successful evacuation trip and receiving of refugees by our amazing team! 50 people evacuated from the frontlines in the Donbass area today. 30 others a couple of days ago. We've got 55 people living in our church building right now and are trying to find more permanent places for many of them. Please keep praying! We'll be making another trip soon.

One of the refugees we evacuated and have been sheltering, Max, was at our church service and gave his life to Christ! He had sporadically attended an evangelical church before but said that he never understood it personally, until he accepted Christ today and took communion for the first time in his life.

In 7 Sundays of war, that's 7 new believers just through our church—a new brother or sister in Christ every week! And we are just one of 1,000s of evangelical churches in Ukraine and beyond serving roughly 12 million Ukrainian refugees! At this rate, soon all of Ukraine will be saved (and bring the Gospel to the rest of Europe)!

- Benjamin Morrison, Pastor in Central Ukraine


Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than 300,000 refugees have crossed the Moldovan border and more than 100,000 are currently in Moldova. Our national bureau of statistics concluded that this has increased the population of Moldova by 4% in less than one month.

Our institution has been a part of this effort since day one and together with many other churches, Christian organizations, non-governmental organizations, and charities, Moldova managed to embrace bravely and lovingly the first and the biggest wave of Ukrainian refugees that came into Moldova.

In the first 2 weeks, we had roughly 300 refugees for which we were providing meals, shelter, and medical support, now we have 56 people on our main campus and 72 on the Vatici campus. In the video below you can hear some testimonies of the people who are currently there.

- Divitia Gratiae University, EEF

Click to watch video testimony of the refugee relief work in Moldova


Each Sunday we are able to have translators at Golgota 11 and have started having services in Ukrainian along with English and Hungarian. Leaders from G11 are still making weekly trips to the border with medicine, toys, clothing, and free bus passes for those crossing over in Záhony. There have been 191,348 people estimated so far.

For now, public transport is free for Ukrainians, but this will most likely not last too much longer. Last week we were able to distribute 100 bicycles donated from Holland among the displaced Ukrainians in Budapest, which will provide a level of independence for them. Through various volunteers, the bikes finally made it to Budapest and they were distributed to some very thankful people!

A friend in Denmark, who has been organizing accommodation and care for Ukrainian refugees, has now taken two buses filled with Ukrainians fleeing the war. Their church is helping care for them and a third trip is in the works. We are just a small cogwheel in this process but are glad to do what little we can. Prayers for putting together the next trip from Ukraine’s border in Moldova to Denmark via Hungary are appreciated!

- Golgota 11 Church, Budapest

If you are able to continue supporting the work, it takes about $10 per day per person to provide these essential needs for evacuees. Every little bit helps.

Your generosity has allowed us to provide desperately needed emergency relief in Central Ukraine, Moldova, and Hungary.


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