Hope in the Oven in El Salvador


Micro-Business Update from El Salvador

The developing world is still struggling to survive in the shadow of the pandemic. Through our partners in El Salvador, we learned of a great opportunity to empower a young family. Here's an update from David, our Country Director in El Salvador:

Meet Carmen! She is a mom of two children; one is 9 years old, and the baby is just a few months old. Carmen used to work at a bakery in her community. She used to be the one in charge of all the production and was the main provider for her family. Unfortunately, after the COVID-19 lockdown, and very strict local policies, the bakery shut down, leaving Carmen and other workers without a means of income for her family. Carmen tried to find work as she could, doing mostly day-to-day labor and looking for whatever job she could find. Her passion has always been baking pastries. Having all the knowledge and passion to start a small at-home bakery, Carmen still needed some supplies to start her business, and most importantly, she needed an oven suitable to sustain her baking demands. Through the Micro-Business start-up program from Links International, we were able to provide one for her - not only the equipment itself but also business training on how to run a successful business within her community.

"This oven is a blessing for me as I will be able to increase my production and be able to sell more and have more profit.”
- Carmen

We believe this is an example of what Jesus meant when He said He came to bring GOOD NEWS to the poor. This oven has been given as an expression of God's love for Carmen and a reminder of His provision for her family.

What God Orders, He Pays For...

Our latest Drinks with Links event was happening right as we were learning about this opportunity. A family in our community was moved to give in order to help a family start a new business, and their donation was exactly what was needed to provide this oven.

We never get tired of being the "link" between the heart of God's people to live on mission and those whom He's calling them to serve.

Whatever your heart for mission is, we have an opportunity for you to translate that into GOOD NEWS (like an oven in El Salvador) for someone who has a significant need.


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