Urgent Needs & Prayer


Links Family,

Please take just a quick minute to learn about an urgent and important opportunity to pray for and invest in some of our amazing mission workers. We are so proud to have the Harpers and the Smolicas in our Links Family. They need our support!

One of our Links missionary families, the Harpers, who live and work in Uganda full-time, have now been separated on 2 continents for over 10 weeks now. Wendy and three of their children traveled stateside to take care of some medical needs and underwent several surgeries before Christmas, while Sid and their other children remained in Africa. Now one of their sons, Levi, needs another surgery before they can travel back to Uganda.

This is an amazing family with an incredible heart for the Lord and we would love to see them all healthy and back together as soon as possible.

For more information, read their latest newsletter and family update. Please pray with us for Levi's surgery coming up on February 9th, that they would be safe in their travels back to Uganda, and please consider helping the Harper Family by sending a donation to help cover some of their past and upcoming travel/medical costs.

Our missionaries in Kosovo feel God’s clear direction for their mission work in Prishtina (and beyond). Shpetim is now stepping into a full-time mission role through worship and music, (we posted a few of his original Christmas songs on our social media recently) and Breanna is also following new doors God has opened for her baking business.

To take the next steps in their ministry, they are looking to raise $6,500 in start-up costs for one-time equipment purchases.

For more information, visit their Links page. Would you please join them in praying for these needs? Would you consider helping them deliver sweets and songs in Jesus’ name to the people of Kosovo?


Celebrating Clean Water in El Salvador!


Thank you for helping us Finish Strong! 💪