I'm not sure how it is where you live, but here in the great state of Texas, it is hot. Real hot. Burn your hand on the steering wheel hot. Melt the bottom of your tennis shoes hot. You get the idea! Another thing the heat does is increase our need for water which reminds me of the millions of people in the world living without clean water. 

Our clean water solutions are really GOOD NEWS to those we are able to serve.

Clean water literally saves lives, improves the quality of lives, and in many cases has led to opening doors to spread the love of Jesus. 

Your generosity makes this possible. Water projects are one of the simplest ways to get your friends, family, church, small group, or business engaged in doing some real good in the world. Just this week a church in England has done an appeal for clean water in Haiti. Earlier this year a business helped provide clean water in Central America. These water solutions are more than projects. They are tangible ways to help people in desperate need, and we could use your help.

We have opportunities to help literally all around the world, and you can help make a huge impact. Would you consider giving to our Clean Water Initiative? We can provide you with graphics or flyers if you would like to advocate. Or, you can make a donation below.

Thank you for your investment in changing people's lives. 


Houston Hurricane


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