Water Around the World: Malawi/Zambia

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More reports are coming out of these countries. Please stay tuned as we share more about how our partners are helping local communities through the good news of safe and clean water!

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Never Thirst Again

2021 has been a strong year for being able to provide clean water for vulnerable people. Generous donations, along with securing local distributors, has multiplied the impact of the GOOD NEWS of clean water.

So far, just out of the USA office, we have been able to distribute over 500 water filters to El Salvador, Nicaragua, Malawi and Colombia this year. Additionally, we have been able to provide borehole wells in South Asia, AND...we’re not finished yet!

Clean water not only provides a solution to preventable illness and disease (literally saving lives), but it also opens doors to communities that in many cases have not heard the Gospel and are in need of the other poverty confronting initiatives we provide.

Malawi & Zambia
"Madzi ndi moyo" is a phrase used in Malawi and Zambia to express that water is important for all life and health. Through the generosity of our supporters, we have been able to consistently provide cost-effective water filters for vulnerable communities across the globe. In Malawi and Zambia, we source locally available ceramic filters and buckets for household and school usage. These filters are able to last up to two years when maintained and remove 99.99% of water-borne diseases. The great thing is they also effectively change the color of any dirty water and provide a better taste. Usually poorer communities will drink water from exposed shallow wells or often polluted lakes and ponds.

This month Sam Walker, our Africa Region Coordinator, visited a community receiving 50 of these filters through our partner Hope Missions. To encourage sustainability and good maintenance of these filters, Hope Missions establishes committees within the community to oversee the distribution and use of the filters. A small and affordable committee fee creates better ownership of the filters and builds a fund aimed at replacing the filters after two years and purchasing more for other needy families.


Water Around the World: South Asia


Hope for Nicaragua