For those of you who have been around our Links Family for a long time, Norman Barnes will be no stranger to you. 8 years ago, Norman and Grace decided it was time to stop coming to America due to the toll that travel was taking on them. At the time, Grace was recovering from ailments, and they felt God said it was time to be home for a while after 50 years of traveling the world together. 

As Grace went home to be with Jesus a couple of years ago, Norman felt like it was time to make another trip back to the States this year. For over 20 years, Nomran and Grace spent 9 weeks in America, 3 weeks at a time. Many of you are connected to Links because of these trips they took over the years. Many of us have been deeply impacted by Norman's teachings and prophetic gifting and Grace's faithful ministry. I become Links CEO because of those trips. It's safe to say God has blessed us deeply through our friends Norman and Grace.

I thought it was important to let you know about a couple of things:

  1. Though Norman's travels are not what they once were, Norman is still deeply engaged in the work of mission and mobilization. He is consulted by ministry leaders around the world, and he is committed to mentoring young leaders in the faith and in ministry leadership. He still hosts people in his flat and is investing in several generations every week. His work and legacy continue to grow through his influence, experience, passion, and relevance for the day. 

  2. You might have already heard, but Norman is entering a new season as he is now engaged to Pat Jones, and 40-year friend of Norman and Grace who also lost her husband two years ago. Together they are modeling a new way forward after grief and are excited to work together hosting people and ministering together. 

As always, Norman continues to live by faith as he leans into what God has for him next. He travels at his own expense and trusts God to be His source. I would like to invite everyone in our Links Family to have the opportunity to invest back into Nomran for everything he's invested in us. Through Norman's Act4You account with Links, you can support him and Pat financially as they walk into a new season and trust God for the necessary provision to continue impacting the world. 

Through the button below, you can make a one-time donation or even set up a recurring donation to support Norman's ongoing legacy. 

Additionally, please visit Norman's website: to download his latest e-book on grief and to stay up to date with what God's doing through his ministry. 


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