COVID's Effects on Global Poverty


The last year has been a time we’ll never forget. As families and organizations have embraced the pivots of the rhythms of “new normal,” and many have also suffered great loss, we continue to persevere through a difficult and confusing time.

With the election and political tensions added to the pandemic here in the States, very little focus or media has given much attention to the realities around the world. To put it bluntly, the developing world has been ravaged by COVID.

Food insecurity has been the biggest challenge due to the inability to work and supply chain disruptions. Access to PPE and soap/disinfectant has also created a vulnerability. As families struggle to provide for their children, practical orphans are created as parents drop their kids off at care facilities. Trafficking conditions are increased as well. Trafficking call centers’ call volume is up 40% in the pandemic. One of the most significant losses is that most kids in the developing world have lost at least a year of education - which is devastating for future empowerment.

This graph illustrates that extreme poverty has been on a steady decline for the past several years. However, it also shows that due to COVID, three years of progress has been lost and between 1%-2% of the entire population (up to 160,000,000 people) will find themselves back in extreme poverty (less than $2/day).

More than ever, we are committed to delivering GOOD NEWS to the poor as widely as we possibly can. During the pandemic, your generosity has allowed us to provide relief for some of the world’s most affected in India, Africa, Pakistan, Central America, and South America.

As the needs are more urgent than ever, would you consider making a donation to our COVID-relief fund? Even $5 or $10 goes a long way.

Thank you so much for helping us Confront Poverty and Create Potential by bringing GOOD NEWS to the poor.


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