Serving the Servants in Australia


Meet Baylie Harper! She is one of our Act4You Mission Workers. You might have heard the Harper name within Links emails and correspondence before. Baylie first served alongside her parents, Sid and Wendy Harper, in Uganda for several years before she felt God leading her to her own mission and calling.

Baylie moved to Perth, Australia, in 2017 to attend YWAM Discipleship Training School. What she thought might lead her to do mission work elsewhere in the world actually ending up leading her to stay right where she was and begin ministering within the school. She now works with the Hospitality Team on the base to minister to those who are there for discipleship training.

Serving and showing hospitality is something that I want to grow more in. Showing people extravagant generosity, loving them and showing them their value. Some of the practical things we do as a Hospitality Ministry are birthdays, (cakes, special birthday tables), we have a cafe on base that we run, as well as morning teas, laundry and serving the many guests that come in and out of our doors. These are all very simple things but they make a BIG difference in how people are able to go out and preach the Gospel in full-time missions. I will be in hospitality until God says to move on to something else!
— Baylie Harper

Due to Covid, there have been several ways the Hospitality ministry hasn't been able to fully function, but slowly and surely over the past year they have found a 'new normal' and have begun to reach out within the school, in their community and even minister to the city of Perth...even during the pandemic.

Please be in prayer for Baylie, the Hospitality Team and the school as they minister to future missionaries. Pray also for those they minister to...that they will discover all God has planned for them in their own mission and calling.


Watch how Baylie and the Hospitality Team are using their gifts to serve the servants in Australia.


Empowerment Through Education


COVID's Effects on Global Poverty