Ukraine Update: Houston/Hungary


Helping in Houston and Hungary

It was great to visit with some Ukrainian refugees who have finally made their way to Houston. We learned in our conversation that their families are still stuck in Melitopol, Ukraine, and in some are back in Lithuania. Melitopol is currently occupied and the situation there is extremely bad.

These refugees are headed to Iowa soon, where Adel will attend Dordt University there. She is 1.5 years away from completing her bachelor’s degree in journalism. Some churches in Iowa are helping with basics, but they will still need jobs, be able to purchase a vehicle, and get back on their feet after making their way to the States.

The host family we talked with is also aware of another Ukrainian family of 8 who are in Poland. They have requested to stay in the area because the father of the family is a dentist and has found work there, but they will need housing and more help as they also start their lives over in a new country. We will be checking in with our church partners in Hungary to see how they can help these Ukrainian refugees back in Europe.

- Terry Cokenour, VP of Mobilization

Please continue to pray for these local refugees in Houston as they make decisions for moving north, furthering their education, and their family that remains in a war zone. Also, please be in prayer for the family in Poland as they start over in another country and that our partner church in Hungary can help supply some of these basic needs they have requested.

To continue to give toward our Ukrainian Relief fund, or if you have missed other Ukrainian Relief Reports, you can donate or view the reports here!


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Ukraine Update