Ukraine Update



From Pastor Benjamin Morrison...

Recently, was the beginning of the fifth month of the war. We’ve gone from counting the war in days, to weeks, and now to months. We are praying that some of the NATO prognoses are wrong about this dragging out into “years” territory and that Ukraine’s victory is nearer than some think.

I think of the people we were able to evacuate from the towns now being occupied by Russian hordes. As I hear stories from church members who have relatives stuck in Russian-occupied territory about interrogations, torture, gang rapes, pillaging, and other war crimes, I remember the faces of the people who passed through our church building and thank God that they got out in time.

As things drag on and the needs of refugees multiply, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the statistics of how many we’ve evacuated, how many we’ve housed, how many we’re feeding, etc. Of course, each of these numbers represents a bigger story. Each number is the life and journey of a real person. In the earlier days of the war when there were only a few stories to tell, it was easier to tell them. At this point, it’s become impossible to tell them all.

Your generosity to our Emergency Relief fund is continuing to allow Pastor Benjamin to respond to the needs around him including rescuing people from danger zones, providing essentials for refugees, serving those passing through, and caring for those who have relocated to his area.

Please pray for the safety of Pastor Benjamin's family and team as the violence has reached a neighboring city only 14 miles away.

Pastor Benjamin's church in central Ukraine also celebrated God's faithfulness on Pentecost Sunday, seeing 6 people baptized in the river.

To continue to give toward our Ukrainian Relief fund, or if you have missed other Ukrainian Relief Reports, you can donate or view the reports here!


Ukraine Update: Houston/Hungary


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